French After-School Snacks

Parent-child cooking class: Classic French after-school snacks
Saturday May 18th 2pm - 4pm
The school day in France is long, so when school lets out, children need a little something to tide them over to dinner – which isn’t served until around 8:00 PM). Enter le goûter. The only time when it’s socially acceptable to snack during the day, le goûter does not quite have an equivalent in other countries.
If you don’t have the option to pick up a packet of store-bought French cookies or pop by the boulangerie, join cookbook author, Mardi Michels in this class where you will learn to make 3 classic recipes: Financiers à la Pistache (Pistachio Financiers), Biscuits “Lunettes” (Jam Sandwich Cookies) and Torsades au Chocolat (Chocolate Custard Puff Pastry Twists).
This is a parent-child cooking class - come and bake with your child. Children must be accompanied by at least one adult.
For more details and to book, click here.